Project development management

Project developments are particularly promising and challenging in the real estate business. We say: they are among the last real adventures in professional life these days. Enthusiasm and a sense of proportion have to balance each other out, because project developments are also risky. That's why experience in the project development business is an essential prerequisite for success.

Create and use opportunities

The combination of qualified conceptual and creative activity, the combination of user expectations and investor expectations - combined with the appropriate project management - allows the exploitation of considerable opportunities in the project business. And only those who have experienced what can go wrong in the project business can get a glimpse of the early signs of the occurrence of risks and control them

In the management of project developments we offer the following services:

Buyer representation for purchases of large and small project developments. We monitor the projects from the moment they are acquired until they are handed over and ensure that the project developer delivers what has been purchased. The total investment volume currently under supervision amounts to approx. € 850 million.

Request individual consultation

+ 49 173 843 13 67

Mathias Holst
Hermannstraße 28
12049 Berlin

+ 49 173 843 13 67